Salamander Crossing Brigades

Photo by Dave Huth/CC BY-NC 2.0

What are Salamander Crossings
All About?

Each spring, a group of amphibians migrate from their forest habitat to the small wetlands where they congregate to breed. You have all heard the choruses of spring peepers, but how often have you seen one of these tiny frogs? How about a wood frog? And how often have you seen the largest salamander species in Vermont, the spotted salamander? All of these are abundant (if seldom seen) amphibians—but that will change in places where they must cross roads to reach their breeding pools.

For many years, BEEC has been organizing Salamander Crossing Brigades, volunteers who help amphibians reach their breeding habitat by giving them a lift across roads.

The volunteers who help with this project not only save the lives of individual amphibians but they help to safeguard populations of frogs and salamanders.

Click the button below if you’d like learn more.

Additionally, all are welcome to join us at Brooks Memorial Library for a FREE Salamander Tea Party on Saturday, March 29 10:30a-12p! Click here for more info and to register.

Come to the virtual

Thursday, March 27 at 6:30p via Zoom

Every spring, as the first warm rains fall, spotted salamanders and other amphibians embark on a perilous journey to their vernal pool breeding grounds. Many must cross busy roads, where countless are lost. You can make a difference!

Join our Salamander Crossing Brigade Training to learn how to safely assist these creatures on their migration. You’ll learn:

  • The fascinating life cycle of amphibians and the importance of vernal pools
  • Best practices for safely helping salamanders and frogs cross roads
  • How to identify the perfect “Big Night” conditions for action
  • Learn how to gather important data
  • Where to go on crossing nights

Your efforts could save hundreds of amphibians and support a critical part of our natural world. Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or brand new to the cause, we welcome you to be part of this rewarding conservation effort!

Sign up today and be a hero for amphibians!