Here you will find articles, videos, and pictures that tell the story Pumpkin, the orphaned beaver, and his various friends and relations. The tale begins in May 2019 and continues.

Pumpkin and Curly enjoy the amenities of the Beaver Lodge.
Pumpkin and Curly dining at their club.
The kits moved to their new winter enclosure at the Training Matters facility (Thank you, Sara and Craig!).

In early November, Curly, pictured above, died unexpectedly. A autopsy revealed a portion of her intestine had been deprived of blood flow by some supporting tissue. Poor Pumpkin was left alone, so Patti has been spending a lot of time with him.
We suspect Pumpkin would rather have a beaver friend to play with, and another rehabilitator in Vermont has a kit the same age as Pumpkin, a male. He also has a former beaver pond site that has been waiting for beavers to return for decades. Pumpkin could have a real headstart on life if Pumpkin was female and they could spend their last year of childhood together .
At the time, we did not know Pumpkin’s sex. We’d need an X-ray.

Yup. It looks like she’s a girl. We’ll let you know how the first date goes!
Fortunately, 1- 21: In which Pumpkin the beaver kit meets snow.

See a slide show of Pumpkin & Pyes’ Lodge project

Listen to the beavers in the lodge. Most of the sounds are from Pye. The little squeaks are the kits.