“Our year-long work with BEEC keeps the natural world in our lens of learning. What we do with BEEC ties in with what we are doing in class.” – local teacher
All school programs have an emphasis on observation and inquiry, hands-on activities, outdoor exploration, and learning through the scientific process. Programs are designed to meet grade-specific Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and some support Expeditionary Learning (EL) modules. All are adaptable to a variety of grade levels and can be customized to the season, location, and program time.
Classes are invited to visit BEEC’s beautiful 60 acres of fields and forest at Heifer Hill, on Bonnyvale Road, in West Brattleboro. In addition to the spectacular views atop Heifer Hill, we boast an array of diverse habitats including meadows, hemlock groves, a mature hardwood forest, woodland streams, a pond and a spectacular vernal pool. Many of our programs can also take place in your classroom and the natural area surrounding your school.
Below is the listing of School Programs by Grade. In addition we offer:
- Engineering Design Programs for grades K-6
- Special Requests for individual programs or series of programs
Please contact with inquiries and to schedule programs.
Program lengths vary, and can be adapted. See individual descriptions.
Do you have questions about our school programs?
See our School Programs Handout, describing the offerings included with a school contract and providing an overview of the curriculum scope and sequence. Here is our FAQs for teachers.
For a glimpse into our programs, view BEEC’s Hoot Out! School Program Stories
School Programs by Grade
PreK programs provide the young child with the opportunity to connect with the natural world around them through their senses, imagination and play. We offer a series of programs covering a variety of themes while discovering what is happening around us during autumn and spring.
Kindergarten programs support Life, Earth and Physical Science studies. Plant and Animal Survival programs examine what an organism needs to survive as well as the relationship between these life forms and where they live. A class that supports Pushes and Pulls examines how these forces are evident in the natural world.
First Grade programs support Life Science studies of Plant and Animal Form, as we explore the structure and function, as well as the life cycles of both plants and animals, and there is a series of program focused on birds.
Second Grade programs support both Life and Earth Science studies. Plant and Animal Interactions programs examine which organisms live where and how they help each other survive. Earth’s Changing Surface programs include streamscape and rock studies to explore the processes that shape Earth.
Third Grade programs support studies of the Life Sciences. Surviving in an Ecosystem programs study organism life cycles and adaptations while comparing and contrasting different aquatic ecosystems. Adaptations and Habitats programs build connections between physical characteristics and habitats to form an understanding of adaptations.
Fourth Grade programs support both Life and Earth Science studies. Animal Habits and Habitats programs explore the structure, function and information processing of animals. Rock Mystery programs investigate patterns and rock types that relate to local geological history.
Fifth Grade programs support both Life and Earth Science studies. Ecosystem Essentials are examined in terms of their interdependent relationships, and students develop an understanding of the structures of an ecosystem. Earth Systems programs reveals the interactions between two of the Earth’s spheres as students unravel the clues offered by the landscape and local bedrock.
Sixth Grade programs support both Life and Earth Science studies. Rock Cycle program investigates the rock cycle and students learn the characteristics of rocks. Ecosystem Cycles investigations help students learn to differentiate between the cycles of matter and the transfer of energy within ecosystems.
What teachers have to say:
“I have been involved with BEEC for the past 10 years, it is a great program. I’m very happy that we have this resource and plan to use it again next year.”
“The students love the experience and afterwards find all kinds of connections from what the program was about to other learning experiences.”
“After a BEEC program, students seem to be more observant and respectful of nature. There is nothing better than learning about the natural world than outdoors with teachers.”
“Our field trip is one of the highlights of the year. A lot is integrated into the study: writing, data recording, making charts, making books, nature drawing… Thanks so much! See you next year.”