BEEC enjoys offering afterschool programs to our communities youth. Below are ideas for Nature Play afterschool series that explore the changing seasons. We have offered series at BEEC, on the Retreat Trails, at Westgate Housing, and in collaboration with organizations, such as with In-Sight Photography. We also offer afterschool programs for schools. Please contact with inquiries to set up afterschool programs.
Nature Play Afterschool
Autumn Amble: Come discover the autumn world of singing insects, falling leaves, and traveling seeds. We will explore the changing world around us and play games that mimic the autumn behaviors of animals.
Chilly Changes: Let’s investigate the changing forest. We will explore how the plants and animals are preparing for the long cold winter, and play games that mimic their activities.
Winter Woods: Come discover the winter world around us through games, activities and exploration. We will explore winter survival strategies of animals, uncover stories tracking wildlife, and mimic their winter behaviors.
Warming Days: Let’s investigate the changing forest. As the world begins to slowly re-emerge from winter’s slumber we will explore what animals are doing and play games that mimic their activities.
Spring Stroll: Come explore and discover the spring world of bursting buds, returning birds, and emerging insects. Welcoming this magical time, we will also make nature art and build fairy and gnome homes.