Nature Explorers Day Camps & Programs

 If you can walk you can talk. If you can talk you can sing.
If you can dream
 you can be anything you want to be.

BEEC’s Nature Explorers youth programs are for the young person who enjoys the natural world. Our goal is to foster children’s love of nature in a welcoming, fun, safe, supportive, and inclusive environment. Campers spend most of each day outdoors, in small groups, exploring the forests, meadows and waters of our 60 acres. Hands-on activities, non-competitive games, stories, art projects, music, free play, and sledding or water-sliding at the end of the day add to the Nature Explorers Camp experience. Children return year after year, excited to visit special places such as Grandmother Tree, Mossy Rocks and Frog Pond. They also return knowing that there is much fun to be had! Campers investigate the lives of their wild neighbors, learn naturalist skills, explore wildlife habitats, develop sensory awareness skills, venture off-trail, and discover a sense of magic and wonder in the Great Outdoors!

Registration is open for:
Programs to look forward to next year:

BEEC is dedicated to making youth programs affordable and available to ALL children with Scholarship Funds.  If you would like to contribute to this fund, please do so here. Thank you!

Here’s what families have to say about BEEC’s camp programs:

– My son has had such an incredible experience at camp this week – he’s never willingly shared so much about his day before and tells us he will be a naturalist when he gets older. Huge thanks to your team!

– I love that BEEC programs are creative, fun, lots of outdoor time, great staff & good vibes! After summer camp this year, my daughter said that she wants to do BEEC camp all year long! She had an awesome time.

– My child loves it. I was showered with stories all week and for the following days of the adventures at camp and all to be learned. It is, by far, the favorite of any camp my child has ever attended.

Please also see our offerings for families at home, from the times of Covid-19:

Want to know more?

Find photos from various years of Nature Explorers Day Camps here.

You can listen to a WKVT Radio interview podcast here about Nature Explorers Winter Camp at BEEC.

Here’s a short video of Nature Explorers Summer Camp: